Monday, August 12, 2013

Post #1: Why Wind-Ups will never die!

Sup everyone?  Todays topic is one that's near and dear to my heart, namely the best little toys in the world, WIND-UPS :D

Konami thought they killed my little friends with the last ban list, by banning carrier and limiting magician to one.  The problem is though, it's hard to keep the undead down!

Allow me to present the Zombie Wind-Up deck!

This deck utilizes the powerful deck/extra deck tool boxing  ability of wind-ups with the grave tool boxing of zombies.  The deck consists of wind-up core shown here:

Adorable, ain't they?

And The Zombie engine as shown here:

Now right off the bat you're gonna say "Laez, why are you running terraforming? Terraforming is a bad card"
And I will tell you people to shush.  Terraforming allows you to search out zombie world which is a key card of this deck.  Plus, with summoner monk terraforming will never be a dead card.

This deck can still easily use all of the otks that wind-ups are famous for, and M-X Saber Invoker will still be able to do his summons as zombie world effects monsters on the field and grave, but not the deck. 

Most of the spell/ trap line up is all up to user preference, how ever I will cover some of the choices that I like most of all.

Allure of Darkness is a surprisingly good card for this deck, especially if you run the tour guide engine.  Most of the zombies you'll be running are darks, and the draw power is always welcome in combo based decks like this.

The Huge Revolution is Over is a counter trap, and cheaper, version of starlight road.  It let's you keep your field presence when you're opponent has those pesky dark holes, or fire king garuninx.

Now  something very interesting about this deck is that yes, it is a powerful aggro deck, but it also has powerful stun powers.  While zombie world is out, everything is zombies!  
Now this might not seem like to much at first, but wait!  It effectively stops fire formation atk boosts, no monarchs can be tributed, Dragon Rulers can't banish, spellbooks can't target, the list goes on and on!

Zombie World also opens up combos with abusing wind-up rat and pulling your entire grave on to your field in one turn.  By having a zombie wind-up in grave, you can use zombie master/mezuki/blue-blooded oni to summon a wind-up rat, use rats effect, summon another wind-up, and have 3 monsters on the field ready for XYZs.

The Zombie engine helps wind-ups tool boxing power, while slowing down other decks at the same time.  With this powerful combination, your little undead toys will keep up the good fight again, and again, and again to wear your opponents down!

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