Thursday, August 8, 2013

Post #0 Basics of the Basics! A breakdown of my opinions.

So I finally have the time to attempt this little project of mine and I feel like I should get some things out of the way first.  Everything on this blog is going to be my opinion, so it may conflict with some of your ideas/thoughts.  THAT'S OKAY, I want this to be a place were we can all try to toss ideas around and have fun.  Now I'm just going to get this boring stuff out of the way today, and hopefully we can get on the good stuff soon!

Now for the first thing I"m going to say: I believe that everyone has a certain playstyle when it comes to yugioh.  This stems from personal preference, the type of deck they're running, duelist personality, and the actual archtype they chose to play.  

If a duelist tries to play a deck that is counter to their personality then that duel is going to feel incredibly sloppy for that player.  For example, I personally have always played very aggressive decks, from Cyberdarks to Wind-ups.  I've always played a fast paced deck, and as such anytime I attempt a duel using a deck like Gravekeepers, I always fail miserably.  Even with a understanding of how the deck works, and the combos it can churn out, I simply do not feel comfortable with the deck and it shows.

I also want to get one quick thing out of the way:  Through out this blog I may refer to core and engines as part of a deck.  I would consider anything that takes up the majority of a deck, such as around 10-20 cards. A good example would be wind-ups:

You'll notice how there's 12 cards dedicated to just wind-ups right there.  That's just the bare minimum and you could build a deck off of that right there if you so desired.  Please note:  You can fit two cores into a deck, but it is not always wise to do so unless there is good synergy there.

A engine to me would be a group of cards a smaller size then that, usually about 2-6 cards that speed up the deck in some way or form.  A perfect example would be the Lightsworn engine.  The engine typicaly consists of 2-3 Rykos, 1-2 Lylas, 1 Charge of the light brigade, and 0-2 copies of solar recharge.

The purpose of this engine is to dump a lot of cards into your grave, and is the go to engine for any graveyard heavy deck.  It thins your deck and gets rid of problem cards that you may struggle with otherwise.

That's all for tonight folks!  Stay tuned for the next (when we'll get exciting) installment of LaezEBoys Card Corner, where we'll learn why Wind-Ups will never die!

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